- Ph.D. Brown University
Research Interests
- Film and media theories
- Environmental media and environmental humanities
- Japanese avant-garde cinema and media arts
- Transpacific studies of media and colonial empires
- Science and Technology Studies
- Media archaeology
- Histories of architecture, the moving image, photography and graphic design
- Visual Grammars of Deep Time: Archipelagic Archives of the Anthropocene (under contract, Duke University Press)
- Climatic Media:Transpacific Experiments in Atmospheric Control. Durham: Duke University Press, 2022.
- Cinema of Actuality: Japanese Avant-Garde Filmmaking in the Season of Image Politics. Durham: Duke University Press, 2013.
Book chapters
- “Compass.” Proof of Stake: Claims to Technology, eds. Timon Beyes, Robin Holt, and Claus Pias, 121-126. Milano: Lentz Press, 2023.
"Camp and Credit Cards." Why Art Criticism? A Reader. eds. Beate Söntgen and Julia Voss, 377-378. Berlin: Hatje Caniz, 2022.
“Spaceship Earth: Metabolist Capsules, Petro-Economy, and Geoengineering.” The Urbanism of Metabolism. Visions, Scenarios and Models for the Mutant City of Tomorrow, ed. Raffaele Pernice, 173-183. Abingdon: Routledge, 2022.
"The Fog Medium: Visualizing and Engineering the Atmosphere." Screening Genealogies: From Optical Device to Environmental Medium, edited by Craig Buckley, Rüdiger Campe, and Francesco Casetti, 187-213. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2019.
“Tange Lab and Biopolitics: From Geopolitics of the Sphere to the Nervous System of the Nation.” Beyond Imperial Aesthetics: Theories of Art and Politics in Japan, edited by Steve Choe and Mayumo Inoue, 219-242. Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong Press, 2019.
- "Architecture as Atmospheric Media: Tange Lab and Cybernetics.” Media Theory in Japan. eds. Marc Steinberg and Alexander Zahlten, 52-79. Durham: Duke University Press, 2017.
- "Animating Copies: Japanese Graphic Design, the Xerox Machine, and Walter Benjamin." Animating Film Theory, ed. Karen Beckman, 181-200. Durham: Duke University Press, 2014.
- "The Actuality of Wakamatsu: Repetition, Citation, Media Event." The Pink Film. ed. Abé Mark Nornes, 149-180. Kinema Club, 2014.
- "Deleuze to eiga to kono sekai" [Deleuze, Cinema, and This World], VOL02, eds. Kayano Toshihito, et. al. Tokyo: Ibunsha, 2007: 142-154
- “Kakkotsuki no hanpuku” [Repetition in Parenthesis], Wakamatsu Kôji:Hankenryoku no shôzô [Wakamatsu Kôji: A Portrait of Counter-Power], Eds. Yomota Inuhiko and Hirasawa Gô, Tokyo: Sakuhinsha (2007): 112-142.
- "Autoradiography: Self-portraits of coral." Journal of Environmental Media 5, no. 1 (2024): 109-115.
- “Weathering with You: Mythical Time and the Paradox of the Anthropocene.” Representations 157 (2022): 68-89.
- "Archipelagic Archives: Media Geology and the Deep Time of Japan's Settler Colonialism." Public Culture 33.3 (September 2021): 417-440.
- "Multimedia Environments and Security Operations: Expo '70 as a Laboratory of Governance." Grey Room 54 (Winter 2014): 56-79.
- "Pure medium teki jōken: Kakuchō eiga to nyūmedia ron [The Pre-Medium Condition: Expanded Cinema and New Media]." REPRE 21 (2014):
- "Aatisuto-Aakitekuto no jidai:Osaka banpaku no sōzōryoku o hokan shita aato shiin." Interview with Isozaki Arata by Imura Yasuko, Furuhata Yuriko, and Matsui Shigeru, Tokyo Geijutsu Daigaku Daigakuin Eizōkenkyūka Kiyō vol.3 (March 2013): 65-107.
- "Audio-Visual Redundancy and Remediation in Ninja bugeichô." Mechademia 7 (November 2012): 249-262.
- "Rethinking Plasticity: The Politics and Production of the Animated Image," Animation: An Interdisciplinary Journal 6.1 (2011): 25-38.
- “Indexicality as ‘Symptom’: Photography and Affect.” Semiotica: Journal of the International Association for Semiotic studies 174: 181-202 (April 2009).
- “Returning to Actuality: Fûkeiron and the Landscape Film,” Screen, 48.3 (Autumn 2007): 345-362.
- “Desiring Resistance in the Age of Globalization.” New Cinemas: Journal of Contemporary Film, 2.2 (November 2004): 91-106.